
Friday, December 05, 2014

Georgetown University journalism major seeks McMillan development project supporters & opposers to interview

See this request:

I am a Georgetown journalism major in hope so of interviewing McMillan Park supporters or people against it, from now until Tuesday.
Can you help me by creating a post for people to reach out to me or better yet can you put me in contact via email with anyone you know concerning the issue?
If you can help, I would really appreciate it. Jon Mandel told me you would be a good person to reach out to. 
Monet Clark


  1. I just looked up "revenue from Central Park in NY",, check this out, because a super market belongs on the street grid, in adaptive re-use of an existing structure, like Whole Foods in Tenley. This Visionless McMillan Partners train wreck does not belong smack on top of a catastrophic infrastructure failure, where a park, that has waited 27 years to be restored BELONGS!!. see this post below Bloomingdale.

    One hot dog vendor in NY's Central Park, operates a pushcart at the entrance to the Central Park zoo, and pays $289,000/year in fees to the city of NY. The top 20 vendors pay over $100,000 a year each to NYC to operate their pushcarts and sell food in parks. That is $2.3 million from 21 food cart vendors, but DMPED, Mayor (still unindicted) Gray, Miss Bowser, Kenyan McDuffie and the Visionless McMillan Partners know better. Only in DC, parks are barren, empty, useless, burdens on the city govt., everywhere else in the entire world, parks are "development".

    Anyone know the annual revenue from the Glen Echo Consortium? How much business is done at the various concessions and bistro in Bryant Park in NY? How much revenue DC would get from a Wolf Trap concert stage in McMillan, a skating rink, a Library, wine cellar, cafe, restaurants ?
    McMillan wasn't a park, according to the "talking points" of a DMPED funded disinformation campaign from Baltimore PR firm Jamie Fontaine. Our tax dollars used to "neutralize opposition" is a violation of our rights, ATROCIOUS VIOLATION, and this is legal? and from a city with new "toughest "Ethics reform by Muriel Bowser! Excuse me while I throw up!

    The lobbyists for Tramel Crow, Carmen Group were paid something like $250,000 for lobbying 5 City Council members, over two years, with our tax dollars. If they use the telephone or send a fax, we are charged a $454.00 clerical fee!!! Ever wonder what your taxes are being used for?
    So VMP touts it is recreating the Olmsted Walk,,,a promenade that just happened to circle an "industrial site",,,sure, not a park, a industrial plant just happened to have a landscaped walk,, where you could see fabulous sunset vistas and the blacksmith shoe a horse or an ass.
    McMillan was not a park....either was Skyline Drive, in the 1930's the entire local Virginia population was violently evicted from their homes, farms, cabins by Civilian Conservation Corp, and I assume US Marshals. To open a National Park with nice overlooks. A mass displacement by force! The park was created by the govt. by confiscating all the land from families that had lived there for, like 200 years. That is brutal, but legal, Eminent Domain while the Dc govt. corrupt give away of $100's of millions , and OUR 25 acres is a criminal conspiracy. The City Council spent 30 seconds voting to "surplus and dispose " of Mcmillan on Dec. 2. Mendelson, and Cheh usually pick apart every detail until you waant to scream, had no questions for "our land give away" Kenyan and "ethics reform" Bowser. If the government wants to create a park, they do it, legally. Bloomingdale has literally been crapped on since WWII, this is worse than the sewer back ups! Please join me in suing these miserable corporate thieves, and their Dc govt. puppets. Daniel wolkoff

  2. In our McMillan Park the vendors will sell "half smokes" of course. If the figure from NY Central Park is accurate, 21 vendors will add over $60 million in revenue to NYC or DC, in 30 years. No demolition, no construction, no loans, no bonds, no traffic, no 3000 parking spaces.
    We need to keep McMillan full of healthy activity, job training restoring the site, sustainable agriculture (see the Vince Gray Greenest city in America JOKE!, or DC). Because our goal as a community that owns this park, is to keep our people healthy and out of the doctor's office,,,NOT pave over our park with Doctors Offices to profit Trammel Crow. Fight Bloomingdale,,, you can save this place from corrupt blood suckers, Bowser and McDuffie.
