
Monday, December 29, 2014

Happy Holidays from Friends of McMillan Park‏

Here you go:

Happy Holidays from Friends of McMillan Park‏

Give a gift to the Save McMillan Park Legal Fund
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Save McMillan Park in 2015:
Support our Legal Fund!

Dear McMillan Park Supporters,

We are grateful for your efforts in 2014 in helping prevent the destruction and privatization of the endangered 25 acres of McMillan Park in Washington, DC. Created in 1906, McMillan Park was designed by the Olmsted firm and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Please make a year-end gift to the Save McMillan Park Legal Fund to enable critical legal actions coming up in 2015:
  • Zoning Appeal- The DC Zoning Commission recently approved the proposed re-zoning of McMillan Park for high-rise development. Friends of McMillan Park has party status in the matter. Once the Commission issues a Zoning Order, we will appeal the case in court. 
  • Opposition to Proposed Demolition- The DC Mayor’s Agent for Historic Preservation recently held hearings on the proposed demolition of McMillan Park’s historic underground structures. Friends of McMillan Park and the National Trust for Historic Preservation both have party status in the case. If the Mayor’s Agent issues an unfavorable ruling, we will appeal in court.
  • Government Waste Case against DC Council and Mayor- The DC Council and the Gray Administration used the holidays to rush through surplus and disposition resolutions for McMillan Park. This executive and legislative collusion to defraud the taxpayer deserves judicial review. 
Now more than ever, we need your support to help cover the costs of mounting these time-sensitive legal challenges. We would also greatly appreciate introductions to law firms that might be willing to help.

Please contribute however you can. Start by sharing this information with your friends and loved ones who might also take action.

Thank you and Happy New Year!

Hugh Youngblood
Friends of McMillan Park

For more information, please email, call 202.213.2690, or visit
Copyright © 2014 Friends of McMillan Park, All rights reserved.

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