
Saturday, December 13, 2014

some pics from the Saturday, 12-06-2014, St. George's Episcopal Church Annual Christmas Bazaar and Cafe

See this message from St. George's Episcopal Church's Janis Evans:

ECW THANK YOU! - Many thanks to the Women of St. George's who put on a fantastic and well-attended Christmas Bazaar. Your hard work and dedication to making this bazaar a success is a testament to Romans 12:4-5. Much gratitude is also expressed to all church members and area businesses who supported our efforts by making monetary or item donations for the sale tables, the kitchen, Silent Auction, and raffles. Special thanks is also given to our friends and neighbors from the surrounding community who came out in great numbers to support us.  - Janis Evans, Bazaar Chair

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to the Green Project culminating the Bazaar with an awesome Christmas concert. Looking forward to next Year's bazaar.
