
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Vision McMillan Partners: Council approval

Subject: Council Approval
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 21:59:15 +0000

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Following recent approvals by the Zoning Commission and DC Council’s Government Operations and Economic Development Committees, all four resolutions granting the Surplus and Disposition of McMillan received unanimous passage from the full District Council during the December 2nd Legislative Meeting!

These approvals have been the culmination of years of extraordinary engagement among the District, development team and community, brought to life by the design vision of talented planners and architects. Since Vision McMillan Partner's involvement began in 2007, over 200 meetings engaged the community on redevelopment plans for the site, including building designs, traffic management, storm water management, preservation and public amenities.  During this period, the master plan evolved with an emphasis on fulfilling community priorities.

With your help in the coming year, VMP will develop the designs in anticipation of breaking ground in early 2016.  When complete, McMillan will lead the area’s transformation from a crossroads of diverse and unrelated land uses to a walkable mixed-use community connecting to  the fabric of existing neighborhoods. By balancing architecturally cohesive and distinct new construction with carefully considered preservation and adaptive re-use strategies, McMillan will be the next great community in our city.

From the entire Vision McMillan Partners team, we wish you and your family a relaxing holiday and Happy New Year!
Anne L. Corbett, Project Director
Vision McMillan Partners

p.s. If you’re not already, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates

McMillan Sand Filtration site today
Envision McMillan
If you haven’t seen it, now is a good time to check out the Vision Video.
Copyright © 2014 Vision McMillan Partners, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you have expressed interest in getting updates related to Vision McMillan Partner's plan to transform the McMillan property into a model 21st century community.

Our mailing address is:
Vision McMillan Partners
1508 U St, NW
WashingtonDC 20009


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This "Development,' of McMillan Park has proven the power of, The Growth Machine, in spite of overwhelming opposition from neighbors, Ward 5 residents, and local communities, the VMP Developers in collusion with The City Jeffrey Miller, (the incumbent DMPED and a former Vice President of the lead developer, worked together to give away this billion dollar property to private development. This is abuse of process, nepotism, conflict of interest, and fraudulent misrepsentation of the facts ... I have proof but no one wants to see or hear it.

  3. Join the lawsuit to stop this ugly monstrosity,,,make our greenspace serve our community recreational needs.This is one of the biggest transfer of public wealth to talentless private development conglomerate,,forced down the throat of our people , a Cleptocracy, and when we defeat this atrocious abuse of the public,,, we move our democratic rights ahead, Jamie Fontaine.
