
Friday, January 02, 2015

DC Water's Lady Bird Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) coming to the lower depths of 1st St NW later this year

Here you go:

Here is a closeup of the lady who will mine the later this year.

1 comment:

  1. American Planning Association estimates tunnel will not be adequate, especially with thousands of Visionless McMillan Partners toilets flushing more sewage into the failed infrastructure. Add the next monstrous development at Armed Forces retirement Home , and a few days of heavy rain-FAILURE!
    Very stupid of our politicians to destroy the clean water system at McMillan, with WWI
    chemical warfare contamination in the ground water near Dalecarlia,Spring valley and AU,, and the way this government has destroyed our infrastructure, stupid!
    We could use the clean water system for aquaponics and vertical agriculture in adaptive re-use of the OUR land,,,Stop VMP!
