
Sunday, January 11, 2015

neighbor expresses concern over dogs being walked off-leash

See this 01-11-2015 message from a Bloomingdale resident:

I see the Nation’s Capitol as a very dog friendly place.  Dogs have parks, stores, boarding places, medical facilities, schools, and soon restaurants.  Dogs had cruelty rights before children.    This is all fine with me.   What I do take issue with is, a dog jumping on or at me.  It is my right to feel safe walking in my neighborhood.  I do not know your dog.  I had dogs growing up and they all had unpredictable behaviors.  In fact, I know of two (2) people in this neighborhood who have been bitten by dogs in the last 6 months.   There have been stories lately where dogs have killed their owners.   Really, I am not afraid, yet there may be some people who have been bitten by dogs who are fearful and traumatized.  We all have the right not to have dogs jumping on us or too close for comfort, especially the elderly and children.  Having said all this, saying your dog is “harmless” does not make it right.  The world would be a better place if we put ourselves in someone else’s shoes just for a moment.    And thanks to all the dog owners who are respectful on a daily basis.   
From a Concerned Neighbor


  1. 100% agreed, Scott. What really chaps my ass is people letting their dogs off the leash at the Elm St. park WHEN THERE IS DOG ENCLOSURE RIGHT THERE!

    Be a winner; Leash your pet and pick up after it.


  2. What can we do? One of our neighbors refuses to use a leash. When we asking him to, he laughs and says we have nothing to worry about. But the dog is over 100lbs, which makes us feel that much more uncomfortable.

  3. Snap a picture with your cell phone and let the police know about it. Keep records. Then, when the dog hurts someone, there will be a record that it was not just a one time incident that the dog was off leash. It might not hurt, too, to find out where the dog & owner live and deliver a copy of the law to the residence. He can laugh all he wants, he is still breaking a law.
