
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Zoning Commission hearing on pop-up regulations -- today, Thursday, 01-15-2015

There are two sides to this position regarding pop-up regulations.  Below is a message in support of the zoning pop-up regulations.  If someone has a link to a message in opposition, then post it in the comments.  Thanks.

Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 22:41:31 -0600
Subject: [HistoricWashington] Zoning Commission Hearing on Pop Ups Thursday; Comment by Thursday

For those who are concerned about pop ups in their neighborhood.

Larry Janezich

On Thursday, Jan. 15, the DC Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on a proposal to limit ‘pop ups’ in DC.  It is Case #14-11.  The proposal will limit the height for row houses slightly and will discourage row houses being converted to multi-family dwellings. 

Amazingly, there is a group in opposition, Pro DC Future, LLC, which claims to be non-profit, and is urging DC homeowners to write letters against the proposal.  Pro DC Future, LLC, is located at 3033 M Street, N.W., in a building owned by developer East-Banc. Their letter misrepresents the proposal and is aimed at scaring property owners.
If you are opposed to ‘pop ups’ in DC, you can copy and paste the suggested letter, or a variant, to the DC Zoning Commission no later than Jan. 15.  Here’s how to submit your testimony:  To send by e-mail, you must sign your letter and attach it to the e-mail in a PDF file.  Because of the urgency of this hearing, however, they will accept .doc files with only printed signatures. You can also fax it to: (202) 727-6072, Attn:  Donna.  E-mails must be received before 3 p.m. on Thursday, July 15. 
You can also attend the hearing.  Details: Thursday, Jan. 15 @ 6:30 p.m., in the
Jerrily R. Kress Memorial Hearing Room, 41 4th St., NW, Suite 220-S.
Suggested letter: 
Date: (fill in)
Chairman Anthony Hood
District of Columbia Zoning Commission
441 4th St., NW, Suite 2105
Washington, DC. 20001
Re:  ZC Case No 14-11
Dear Chairman Hood and Members of the Commission:
I write in support of ZC Case No 14-11. In fact, I would like to see the proposal go even further to stop unsightly “pop ups” and “pop backs.”
Ugly pop ups are sprouting like mushrooms across the District.  Developers are racing to buy and convert single-family homes into million-dollar condos or apartment houses.
This amendment has the potential to stop these ugly buildings from continuing to multiply in our city.  It will prevent developers from turning single-family homes into monstrosities that can ruin the look of an entire block.  It will not, however, prevent homeowners from adding an additional story to their homes, if they need additional room.
Please adopt this amendment.
phone number)


  1. Just checked the Zoning Case records - I see six letters of supports from ANCs in Wards 1, 4, and 6 (nothing from Ward 5) and one letter in opposition from someone who received the letter from the LLC in Georgetown. Many letters of support for the zoning amendment are listed, some with caveats, including some from our Bloomingdale neighbors.

    It is not clear if the record will be open after the hearing, so get your emails sent in by 3 today!

  2. How is Ward5 ANC not writing a letter here. We're getting pounded in pop-ups.

  3. The record will remain open until January 29, so you can still submit testimony

  4. We got our comment in yesterday about 1030, so hopefully score at least 2 Ward 5 letters at this point! Great they will leave it open till 29th in any case.

  5. So they are voting on this issue on the 29th? This will affect the entire city, me living in Capitol Hill as well? Thanks in advance! Jason
