
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

ANC 5E07 Commissioner Holliday: Graffiti in Bloomingdale

Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 05:55:23 -0500
Subject: For list Serv and Blog
Several Bloomingdale residents have voiced concern about graffiti Consequently I encourage residents of SMD ANC 5E07 to provide me by email the addresses of graffiti in 5E07 (N Capitol to 2nd St. NW; Randolph Pl. to U St. NW)- and indicate whether the identified property is a residence or business. Would like to put together a comprehensive list of graffiti sites by SATURDAY FEB 28. 
Also, let me know by 2/28/2015 if you are interested in serving on a Graffiti Team that will remove graffiti during upcoming BCA Cleanup/beautification Day on April 18. If there are volunteers I will try to secure graffiti removal supplies and equipment from City. 
Contact me at
Thanks for your concern. 
Bertha Holliday
Commissioner, ANC 5E07 

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