
Thursday, February 26, 2015

basement break-in last night on the 2000 block of North Capitol Street

See this message:

Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2015 23:17:52 -0500
Subject: Break in - 2000 Block of North Capitol NW

No sooner had we adjourned our monthly Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting, at which Sgt. Nelson from MPD talked about the recent rash of break-ins of basement units and the need to stay vigilant, than I received a call from my friend (and new BCA member) to come over because the basement unit in the house he lives in had been broken into and he didn't want to enter his house without backup.. (He lives in the upper house; it was thankfully intact) The perpetrator did a number on the  door to the unit, which is unoccupied at the moment, so they most likely made off with nothing.  MPD was called and a report for an "open door" was taken pending the landlord advancing it to breaking & entering, which my friend will advise him to do.
It's sad that there are constant reminders right now that we must stay extremely vigilant if we're going to keep Bloomingdale a safe community for all.

See this subsequent tweet:

: My basement unit was also entered last night. Saved by alarm & comforted by neighbors, while a new door was installed.
9:26 AM - 26 Feb 2015

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