
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

DC Water 1st Street Tunnel update for 02-11-2015

Subject: FST Update for 2_11_2015
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 19:54:53 +0000

Greetings First Street Tunnel Stakeholder,
As many of you are aware, the First Street Tunnel (FST) Project is well underway.  We are pleased to report that the project is approximately 37% complete. Please see the attached slide.
In order to keep on schedule, our contractor, Skanska-Jay Dee (SKJD), has been working at various sites on Saturdays since December 2014. With the exception of pipeline work in Adams Street, SKJD has tried to schedule low noise construction activities on Saturdays. Some residents requested we begin work later on Saturday mornings. In response, DC Water has asked SKJD to begin work at 9AM, rather than 7AM. Work is normally completed by 5PM on Saturdays, and is prohibited on Sundays.
Please keep in mind that residents are encouraged to call the 24/7 Project Hotline if noise seems excessive or there are other construction related issues you would like to bring to the attention of the FST Team.  
24/7 SHUTTLE SERVICE - to be suspended for lack of use
As you may recall, in addition to off street parking provided at the Alternative Parking Areas (APAs), eligible residents had access to a 24/7 shuttle bus service. Since April 2014, the service has been running uninterrupted. However, very few residents have used the shuttle. Most residents who park vehicles at the secure APAs live close by and walk to and from the parking lots. The shuttle has been left idle and, therefore, has not proven to be a prudent use of ratepayer dollars. The FST Team presented information on DC Water’s intention to suspend shuttle bus service at the last Tunnel Forum meeting (January 22). We have already phased out one van, but will continue service with the remaining van until April 2015.
Please call the 24/7 Hotline if you have any concerns about the phase out of the shuttle bus service.
TUNNEL BORING MACHINE - parts and equipment on site
The parts and equipment for the FST Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) have been safely delivered over the last two weeks and are now stored and being assembled at the main mining shaft site north of Channing Street.  Although the street is closed to vehicular traffic from Michigan Avenue to Channing Street, the public sidewalk is open. As the weather permits, please take some time to walk by the site. In the interest of general safety, please remember that the work area is off limits to the public. However, you will be able to see the heavy equipment and construction activity from the safety of the public sidewalk. In future correspondence, the FST Team will provide more information on the TBM. We are pleased to tell you that the Bloomingdale community will have a role in naming the TBM and will be invited to a naming ceremony in spring 2015 at the mining shaft site.
Starting from Channing Street down to Rhode Island Avenue, SKJD will be installing monitoring and instrumentation equipment in First Street. The purpose of the monitoring equipment is to detect ground movement. This will help us protect the existing utilities (gas, electric, water and sewer, cable) in the street plus private property along First Street. The installation of instrumentation will require temporary “No Parking” signs to be placed in work areas as the operation moves north to south down First Street.  Work at each location is expected to take two days before the operation moves to the next location.  
Please be aware that all residents of First Street who have a vehicle registered in the District are entitled to receive a FST APA pass (The APA Application is attached). SKJD operates two 24/7 off street, secure parking areas for residents: W Street and Bryant and W Streets. The security guard at the Bryant Street location can accept your completed APA Application. Call the 24/7 Hotline for more information (844-FST-INFO/844-378-4636).
The Adams Street & Flagler Place intersection has a number of critical tasks underway. At the corner of First and Adams Streets, SKJD is installing freeze pipes to stabilize the ground 100 feet below the street. The frozen ground will provide soil support in the area where the underground micro-tunnel (adit) will connect to the main tunnel under First Street. 
At the Adams Street/Flagler Place construction staging area (CSA), the secant pile drill rig is now operational. There are 49 piles required and we expect the secant pile drilling operation to take about 20 more work days. Secant pile installation will not occur on Saturdays. Other activities include installation of freeze pipes and concrete placement for the shaft collar. Once the shaft area ground freeze is established, excavation of the shaft will commence. These heavy construction activities will occur during February, March and April 2015.  
Secant pile drilling is complete. Excavation of the drop shaft is underway. Additional security fencing has been established on V Street on the west side of the CSA to safely operate the crane and allow for the loading of dump trucks.
There will be drilling for installation of freeze pipes, instrumentation devices and the relocation of an 8-inch water line. Mobilization of a large crane and shaft excavation will follow during February, March & April 2015. 
SAVE THE DATE: Next Tunnel Forum Meeting is March 26 at 7PM at St. George’s Episcopal Church, 160 U Street NW.
Finally, we’d like to give a big “THANK YOU” to the Bloomingdale community for your continued support and cooperation with this important public health and environmental project!
Sincere Regards,
Tom Lindberg
Tom Lindberg, DCCR First Street Tunnel - Public Outreach DC Clean Rivers Project | DC Water 5000 Overlook Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20032 t (202) 787-4738 f (202) 787-4478 | Email: |  FST web page:
Vickey M. Wilcher | Public Outreach Officer DC Clean Rivers Project | DC Water
| | (202) 787-4717

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