
Thursday, February 19, 2015

GGW post on AFRH development: "Even more large-scale development may come to North Capitol Street. Will transportation be ready?"

Click on the link to read the entire Greater Greater Washington post --- and to see the images as well.

Even more large-scale development may come to North Capitol Street. Will transportation be ready?

A whole new mixed-use neighborhood may soon arise on a portion of the Armed Forces Retirement Home, the large 272-acre estate off North Capitol Street. Will the new neighborhood become an isolated suburban island, or integrate into the urban fabric of the city? 
The Armed Forces Retirement Home, also known as the Old Soldiers' Home, has been serving resident retired and disabled veterans since 1851. Abraham Lincoln spent much of the Civil War there and wrote the first draft of the Emancipation Proclamation in the historic Anderson Cottage.
The home operates as an independent federal agency with its own trust fund, and in 2002 Congress authorized leasing some of the land to raise funds to keep the home afloat. A 2008 Master Plan proposed carving out 80 acres on the southeast corner, along North Capitol Street and Irving Street, for the development.
DC doesn't have room for massive amounts of new traffic. This project contemplates 4.3 million square feet, twice what's being proposed at McMillan and more than what will come to the Walter Reed site along Georgia Avenue. There has to be good-quality, desirable transit from all directions.


  1. oh no, not more 18 wheeler trucks making their way through the neighborhood during construction!

  2. We really need a Metro stop near N Cap and Michigan before things get worse...Extend the red or yellow/green. That should be a prerequisite for VMP's proposal to be approved.

  3. comment on Hill Rag "Fontaine Slime Campaign"

    The international movement of adaptive re-use of existing and historic sites, is successful in all kinds of imaginative re-developments. Only in DC, The District of Corruption, is McMillan Park, our critical 25 acre, central, green space and backup clean water security facility, being handed out to mediocre development Giant Trammel Crow and divided up with EYA, and Jair Lynch. Half a billion dollars of public land, privatized when green space for our families is absolutely necessary for a decent quality of life, and public health.

    As the adjacent 80 acres of The Armed Forces Retirement Home is denuded and turned into 4 million sq. ft. of development, saving McMillan Park is absolutely essential in a real World Capitol. 20 acres of underground vaulted galleries are perfect for "indoor agriculture", that would produce millions of pounds of fresh vegetables and even Tillapia, and of course provide revenue for the city government.

    The "surplus and disposition" from Bowser and City Council has to be STOPPED! She was lied to by Deputy Mayor Jeff Miller about DC paying for the Fontaine slime campaign, but she did nothing "who is minding the fox?"
    see this City Council testimony by Brookland activists Mary Pat Rowan (landscape architect)and Daniel Goldon Wolkoff
    (historic restoration specialist) who explain our great recreational resources corruptly surplussed to the developers, and the PR campaign Deputy Mayor Miller hired(Jamie Fontaine) to "neutralize opposition", and create false appearance of community support! As if we didn't know the depravity of DC "Culture of Corruption" by our City Council and Mayor.

    Daniel confronts Anthony Hood "we don't rubber stamp anything" Chairman of the DC Zoning Commission in these short videos. You can have your city corrupted for VMP profit, or fight for your home and a gracious place to live.

    Please feel free to start sharing with your friends.
    The time for an honest , open and ANTI-CORRUPTION campaign is now,

