
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

invite to 1st Street TBM naming meeting --- Thursday, 02-26-2015

From: Vickey Wilcher ( 
Sent:Wed 2/18/15 5:05 PM
To:Vickey Wilcher (; Thomas Lindberg (
Greetings First Street Tunnel Representatives and Alternates,
In recent weeks, as we awaited the arrival of the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) several of you underlined the idea that you wanted to be allowed the opportunity to weigh-in on the naming of the TBM that will be used on the First Street Tunnel Project.   We’re extremely happy to report now that we have been given permission to include you and other neighborhood residents and stakeholders in that process.
With this note we’re inviting you to join us at a preliminary meeting (specifics below) to discuss the public process and potential names for the First Street Tunnel TBM.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
First Street Tunnel Project Home Office              
2036 First Street, NW WDC
7:00 pm—8:30 pm
Also, please note that we have gathered a small list of possible names and have conducted a bit of research regarding other TBM naming processes that we will share with you at our meeting.
We look forward to seeing, and hearing from you on Thursday.  The DC Water TBMs (Lady Bird and Nannie Hellen “Nannie” Burroughs) have been named and we’re now tasked with naming the FST TBM.  So, please RSVP to this invite.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Vickey Wilcher on 202.787.4717.
Thank you,

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