
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Parker Flats Condo Board reports a break-in on Flagler Place NW on Thursday, 02-12-2015

Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 22:17:08 -0500
Subject: Fwd: FYI: Break in at Flagler
From: Huma Imtiaz 

Please be aware that sometime last night, there was an attempted burglary of a ground floor unit at Flagler.
The resident is fine.
It appears someone tried to get through the door, and when that did not work, they broke the window.
Inexplicably, it appears nothing was taken.
The Board has notified Metropolitan Police Department 5D and they have told us they will step up patrols in our area.
Since not everyone is on this e-mail distro, the Board will soon be delivering a memo under everyone's door covering several topics.
One important reminder will be for all residents and their guests to close the gates upon entering and exiting the property.
We have seen an uptick in the gate being left open.
Please remind visitors and guests that we are fortunate to live in a "gated" community and also fortunate to live in the heart of the city.
With that comes all the inherent risks the city brings.
Thank you and please look out for yourselves and your fellow Parker Flatsians.
The Parker Flats Condo Board

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