Where Zoning Commissioners Stand on DC’s Proposed Pop-Up Rule
The Zoning Commission is strongly divided on a proposed rule aimed at stopping residential pop-ups in DC. But if commissioners’ opinions hold steady, the rule is likely to be implemented on a divided vote.
The proposal, floated by Office of Planning, would limit the by-right height in R-4 districts to 35 feet and essentially prevent conversions of rowhouses into apartments in these districts. It’s been applauded by neighbors of some existing pop-ups, but also critiqued for being overly broad without addressing the real issue many have with pop-ups: Ugly design. For a primer on what’s being proposed by the Office of Planning, head over here.
Here’s the breakdown of where commissioners seem to stand on the issue currently:
If you want to see the video, the portion covering Case 14-11 is here, and it lasts about 45 minutes.
One quote from Mr. Miller, not mentioned, seemed out of touch -
54:40 "Half the time I couldn't find the pop up in the block."
I was going to make a crack about lack of vision but am refraining.