
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

two opportunities to testify about pop-ups

Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 09:50:31 -0500
Subject: [HistoricWashington] Two Opportunities to Testify about Pop-Ups
If anyone has concerns about the wild west proliferation of visibly shoddy “pop-ups,” there are two opportunities to testify about the way government agencies involved with building and construction are mediating developer and community interests.
The first is before Councilmember Vincent Orange’s Committee on Business, Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, which has oversight of the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA).  People dealing with pop-ups have described the DCRA as unresponsive to building code violations, and shoddy and dangerous construction practices by these builders.  That hearing is this Friday, February 20, 2015, at 10:00 a.m.  People who wish to testify about the performance of that agency should contact Peter Johnson, or by calling 202-727-6683.
The second is before Council Chair Phil Mendelson’s Committee of the Whole, which has oversight responsibility of the Office of Zoning and the Office of Planning.  The Office of Planning has introduced amendments to the zoning code to make it harder (impossible?—that I don’t know) to build pop-ups in R4-zoned neighborhoods.  The Office of Zoning handles the administrative work for the Zoning Commission, which is deliberating on these amendments; observers believe the amendments may squeak by with a 3 to 2 vote.  This oversight hearing will take place on Friday, March 6, at 10 am.  The more obvious performance to be judged with regard to pop-ups is OP’s; for once, we can commend them!  People who wish to testify about the performance of OP, OZ, or the Deputy Mayor for Planning Economic Development (DMPED) should contact Cynthia LeFevre, at or by calling 202-724-8092.
Andrea Rosen

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