
Tuesday, March 03, 2015

ANC5E07 Commissioner Holliday: Theft from Autos PSA 501, ANC 5E area

Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2015 12:14:04 -0500
Subject: Fwd: Theft from Autos PSA 501, ANC 5E area
Would you please post the following email from Lt. Haselden on listserv/blog?  This concern was discussed extensively at the MPD 5th District forum with ANC Commissioners, which I attended last week.   Residents are also encouraged to lock vehicles, leave nothing in vehicles. Re package deliveries:   Residents are encouraged to call FedEx or UPS to arrange a specific date and time for delivery when resident will be present -- or to Arrange pickup of expected package  from carrier's office.
Bertha Holliday

Begin forwarded message:
From: "Haselden, Timothy (MPD)" <>
Date: March 1, 2015 at 8:34:30 PM EST
Subject: Theft from Autos PSA 501, ANC 5E area
Good evening Mr. Cannon,
I am Lieutenant Timothy Haselden, PSA 501, Fifth District, Metropolitan Police Department.
I want to thank you for bringing your concerns regarding the Thefts from Autos in your neighborhood to my attention.  I have reviewing the reports and statistical information regarding these crimes, and I have developed a plan of action.  The area most affected by this crime pattern is, generally speaking, the triangular area formed by Florida Avenue, Rhode Island Avenue, and North Capitol St NW.  There is no discernable day-of-week or time-of-day pattern at this time.
Utilizing the Data Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS) methodology promoted by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), I have tasked an officer that specializes in high profile traffic enforcement to include our area in his regular rounds of targeted traffic enforcement.
Additionally, I have partnered with some of the local ANC Commissioners that have ‘new resident packages’ to begin including crime prevention brochures in their handouts.
I have requested the Focused Mission Team Leader, Lieutenant Kyle, to consider the possibility of a ‘bait car’ sting operation in the future.
Additionally, we recently made a very significant arrest in a series of residential break-ins (Burglaries).  We arrested a juvenile that is responsible for several burglaries.  That case is in the judicial process, and we are voicing our concerns regarding this person in order to proceed in the most aggressive manner possible to prosecute.
Also of note, since December, we have arrested 3 other unrelated persons for burglaries, and 1 person responsible for several robberies (muggings).  These persons appear to be habitual criminals in their respective ‘trade-craft’.
I apologize that I have been unable to attend recent meetings, but I will be regularly attending as many meetings as possible in the future.  I am available at 202-255-7782 on my personal cellular telephone to answer any concerns and/or questions.
Sincerely, Lt Tim Haselden.

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