
Sunday, March 01, 2015

Andrea Rosen & Erin Lynn Fairbanks: Jair Lynch/Senior Housing and McMillan‏

I was asked to post this message:

Dear Chairpersons Orange and Bonds and Councilmembers Silverman, Allen, Nadeau, and McDuffie:

It’s a relief to read that DCRA was doing its job when it wrote up eight violations on this subsidized rental in the Paul Lawrence Dunbar apartments on U Street, near 14th Street, NW, although it’s not clear whether the landlord was fined for failing to correct the problems. 
According to the ABC/WJLA news report, developer Jair Lynch was paid $43 million to perform renovations in the HUD-subsidized building, which provides affordable housing for seniors.  I guess $43 million wasn’t adequate to stem the infestations, supply reliable heat and hot water, and otherwise provide sanitary and safe housing to the senior residents.
Mr. Lynch is one of the three partners in VMP, the sole source developer of McMillan Town Center on the recently surplussed McMillan Sand Filtration Site and Park.  Unfortunately, Mr. Lynch will be the developer of the rental units there, including “affordable” units for moderate-income, workforce, and senior residents.
At the Committee on Housing and Community Development oversight hearing held on  February 26, 2015, on the performance of the Department of Housing and Community Development, one of the people who testified asked quite logically why the city continues to partner with (i.e., subsidize) landlords who do not abide by their responsibilities to tenants.  I hope the appropriate District agency will investigate how Jair Lynch spent the $43 million in public money that he received to renovate the Dunbar apartments.  Furthermore, I hope that someone in government can stop DMPED from committing funds to VMP as long as Mr. Lynch is part of the group. He has already demonstrated his untrustworthiness; why should the city entrust him with development and ownership of additional affordable dwelling units, including units for seniors?
Thank you.
Andrea Rosen
Ward 4
Erin Lynn Fairbanks
Painter, Illustrator, Activist, Mother  

1 comment:

  1. Holy $43 million down a rat hole! Are we going to get an explanation for how Jair Lynch, partner in VMP, sole source developer of McMillan "town center", can get away with this slumlordry AND yet get even more taxpayer money for developing subsidized housing at McMillan?
