
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Black Bloomingdale asks: "What's this Anti-#PopUp Movement in #BloomingdaleDC all about?"

Here are some pop-up tweets (that include the #BloomingdaleDC Twitter hashtag):

Some tweets about pop-ups from today:

I guess it was inevitable that it would happen on W Street. Awful.
. W St Nw Popup is Awful. Something needs to be done. If is legal, Dc Zoning is a joke.
Welcome to the future! MT : in ruining neighborhood. , Zoning is Joke if 42WStNw is Legal.
Man, white people love bitching about PopUps.
What's this Anti- Movement in all about? ?
in are ruining the neighborhood. , Zoning is a Sad Joke if 42WStNw is Legal.

Huge popup/back at 42 W st. So much for watching sunsets in


  1. If you were paying attention there is a second one planned for W street just across and down.

    I think that we can stop this crap if the neighbors on both sides of a planned pop up agree to erect a 40 foot privacy fence on their side of the property lines....blocking any side views and the light out of these egregious popups...if they want to act in their own interests so should we.

  2. I bet it is harder to get a permit for a 40-foot fence than for a pop-up. Doesn't DC limit fences to 6-foot?

    1. OK, but bamboo doesn't count....I have lived in a house where another person built right up to my back yard (looking over) and I just planted less than six months...voila...a living "fence." It gets about 50 feet tall and so dense you can't see through it. Course you have to keep it cut back or it will take over....

  3. In addition to the multitude of other problems, why aren't they required to build sidewalls out of brick that match the same materials on the interiors of the home? If it comes to the point the possibility of a shared party wall (i.e. neighbor also decides to build out), they should be required to maintain a brick wall along the property line, not some flimsy plywood/vinyl siding number.
