
Sunday, March 01, 2015

Bloomingdale is waiting upon: 1) Mayor's Agent decision on McMillan, 2) DHCD's development team selection on its Florida & Q St NW site

Bloomingdale is awaiting news of two important decisions that will definitely impact the neighborhood.

1) Florida and Q Street NW development team selection

Which of the three development teams for the DHCD-owned site at Florida & Q Street NW, southside, will be identified at the winner?  Still waiting for an announcement from DHCD.

Will the selected development team be:
  • Maedwell Companies?
  • Evergreen Urban?
  • MiCasa?
We all anxiously await DHCD's announcement.

Eager to hear how the selected team will finance the project, which includes 51% affordable housing.
Read this Washington Post article by area resident Shilpi Malinowski for a good summary.

2)  Mayor's Agent decision on McMillan

The first Mayor's Agent hearing on McMillan was held on Monday, 10-06-2015.  

A continuation hearing on McMillan was held on Monday, 11-03-2015.

At the end of the Mayor's Agent hearing Part 2, the Mayor's Agent indicated that a report would be issued in a couple of month.  Not sure that is exactly what he said, but I seem to recall that it would take a few months to prepare and issue a report.  

So perhaps the Mayor's Agent may issue its report sometime in February?

Or maybe not.

But definitely on Bloomingdale's radar.  

We all anxiously await to see what it says.

Thumbs up?  Thumbs down?  Something in between?


  1. Thanks for bringing up the Florida and Q decision and confirming it was still TBD- I was searching around this week figuring I had missed it given what I understood the original timeline to be.

    Also pulling for the Evergreen project: more activity on street level, more arts in the area, and a theater in particular has knock on positive economic effects for the neighborhood in terms of patrons who may want to go around the corner or down the street for dinner or a beverage before or after. Fingers crossed...

  2. Waiting especially for the MAYOR's report on McMillan!
