
Wednesday, March 04, 2015

U Street NW expresses similar concern about high-speed drivers using the alley west of 1st St NW, north of U St NW

See these 03-04-2015 messages:

From a U Street NW resident:

I would like to second and support the comments of the neighbor concerned about high-speed drivers careening down the alleys parallel to 1st St. N.W.  My dogs and I were very nearly killed by a driver exiting the alley onto U St.  She must have been going 25 miles an hour, and she did not slow down at all as she exited the alley and crossed the sidewalk before turning onto U Street.  I leapt back and yanked the dogs back in the nick of time before we were hit.  The diver looked shocked at what had just nearly happened and waved a sort of apology wave before speeding off. 

I agree with the neighbor that speed bumps must be installed until the tunnel project is completed.   I think it's the only alternative to avoid someone being maimed or killed.  I would happily join in an effort to make this happen.
From a 1st Street NW resident:
Dear Tom Lindberg:

I've been on travel and out of the loop for three weeks.  I returned only to find that, once again, cars are speeding down the 1st Street NW alley that abuts the Park.  And the speeds are truly excessive.

Although police cars are nearby or at U Street there is no enforcement of the 10mph speed restriction.  

Action must be taken immediately. 

From a 2nd Street NW resident:
I heartily agree with the resident who wrote regarding the speeding traffic in the alley of 1st St NW - 

I have major problem with MD drivers - they are rude, aggressive, ride on your tail, sit on their horn & refuse to let you in on merging traffic lanes. MD  drivers should NOT be allowed into DC until they pass a specific driving test & have to post it in their front window.

From another 1st Street NW resident:
I think these developments really validate our original opposition to having 1st street opened to through-traffic during construction, as the commuters who pass through our neighborhood on a daily basis show little regard for the peace and well-being of our community.  The promised mitigating strategies always look so good on paper, but rarely stand up to human nature.   
For anyone who is concerned about the possible neighborhood impacts of the tunneling itself, I'd suggest you read (or don't, if you want to actually sleep at night) about the delays and sinkholes that have plagued Seattle's tunnelling project, which bears many similarities to the 1st Street Tunnel project.  (See link below.)  The time to get clear answers as to liability and the valuation of our property is now, before major damage is done. 

From another resident:
Even worse…take a look at this…tells of how Berth broke down and they spent a year digging access tunnel just to get to the giant drill. Two year behind schedule.

A 03/05/2015 response from a Bryant St NW resident:

The problem is not just isolated to the alleys. Once the cars reach Bryant street, they race down the block at ridiculous speeds for a residential neighborhood. Bryant street is the only cross block in Bloomingdale without speed bumps and we desperately need them installed. The cars, including DOT vehicles, routinely race down Bryant and it has gotten far worse since traffic has been routed through the alleys. As soon as they turn onto Bryant, they often accelerate to at least 40MPH, sometimes faster. Just the other day, a car accelerated towards our family as we were crossing the street and nearly hit us. We would love it if the city would evaluate the block for speed bumps to slow these idiots down before someone gets hurt. There are a lot of children on the area and the traffic routing has made it quite unsafe for them to play near the alleys.


  1. DC Water simply does not care. They posted the 10 MPH signs and that was it. I live on the alley and almost get run over a couple times a week. Buses, trucks, cops all speed down the alley. Instead of running the empty shuttles, pay to enforce the speed limit. Or get the temporary speed bumps ( Instead, DC Water will just let someone get hurt.

  2. another side effect of the detours and roads closed is the heavier use of the one way street, Flagler,St NW. I have seen delivery trucks blocking this street (instead of finding parking and then delivering the goods) and not really caring about the fact they are blocking traffic behind them. I spoke to one driver and he just said that I "should be ashamed for criticizing him for making a delivery." Huh??
