
Friday, April 24, 2015

Eckington: package thief & home intruder arrested

From the Eckington list at Google Groups:

Package Thief and Home Intruder Arrested -- b/w 2/3rd and R/Seaton
brandon : Apr 23 05:47AM -0700 

Good morning,
Yesterday, at my home near the corner of 3rd and R St NE, I witnessed a 
~30-year old, thin, 5'9'' black male run up my porch shortly after my mail 
was delivered and take my mail. I ran out of the house and chased him 
down, confronted him, and started yelling bloody murder at the guy. He 
somehow had already ditched my mail in the block it took me to chase him 
down (never recovered).
He started running away from me after our confrontation, and I returned 
home to jump in my car. I found him checking out other homes along the 
north side of Seaton, and he apparently walked through an unlocked door 
into a guy's home (who was home, and was the ultimate reason why the perp 
was arrested (he also tried breaking/walking into the same home the night 
before, was arrested for it, and released)), and was chased away. Anyhow, 
apparently the thief's family lives on the corner of 2nd and Seaton and 
does not allow him in the house because he's a bit unstable. So, he stakes 
out that entire neighborhood and bothers just about everyone while 
committing crime. If you know who I'm talking about because he's always 
sitting on his family home's porch, he looks like Bubbles from The Wire 
(big and unkempt afro, thin, etc.).
Anyhow, I tailed him until the cops met up with him at the tiny liquor 
store, McKinley Market (that I never knew existed having lived in Eckington 
for 3 years now) on the corner of T and 4th, and they took him in after 
speaking with the home owner on Seaton.
As the cop is making the report, a female walking her dog after work 
stopped by and told us how that same guy follows her and other 
females around in the morning and after work, making creepy gestures and 
what not.
I do not imagine this will be the last time we see him in our neighborhood 
considering his family is here and refuses to take responsibility over 
him. I just ask that you all be aware of this guy because I'm sure he'll 
be back on the streets shortly.
Mix this in w/ last night's armed robbery on 2nd and Randolph and the 
spring/summer is already looking bad. I suggest we all watch out for each 
other's safety, property, and peace of mind.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the heads-up. Let's all help the police with this matter.
