
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Harmony Public Charter School in Eckington today, Saturday, 04-25-2015: canvassing, garden & ice cream social !

See this message from Harmony Public Charter School, 62 T Street NE:

Harmony DC Public Charter School

Canvass, Garden & Ice Cream Social Days

Help us spread the word to our community about Harmony DC. In the morning from 10 AM - noon, we will meet at the school, divide into groups, and place door hangers on surrounding houses, inviting our neighbors to an ice cream social later in the day. In the afternoon from 1 PM - 3 PM, we will clean up the west side of our building to lay the groundwork for a school garden. An ice cream social for parents, volunteers and neighbors follows at 3 PM. 
LOCATION: 62 T Street, NE

Here is the link to sign up.

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