
Thursday, April 23, 2015

mugging & assault on Thomas St NW Tuesday night, 04-21-2015, at 10:45 pm

Click on the link to read the entire P#pVille post:

04/22/15 12:25pm

“Help me find the good samaritan who came to my rescue during an attempted mugging and assault in Bloomingdale”


“Dear PoPville,
I am a resident of Thomas Street NW. Last night around 10:45 I got out of a cab at 2nd and Thomas since my street is currently closed to through traffic. I pulled out my keys, as I have always been told one walking alone at night should, and saw 3 young men walking down the block toward me. They blocked my way and one grabbed my bag and told me to give it up. I held on to it (and yes, I know this is not what you should do, but in the moment my brain could not seem to accept that I would get mugged within sight of my home) and began screaming the name of my partner who I knew was at home. The guy holding onto my bag punched me in the head, knockin me to the ground, and again tried to take my bag which I continued to hold onto. The three young men then suddenly ran away. I ran toward my home and met my partner who had just emerged having heard my screams.

1 comment:

  1. For clarity's sake it occurred Tuesday night, not last night.
