
Thursday, April 16, 2015

"The Pride of Bloomingdale Restaurant Tour" McKinley Tech fundraiser -- Tuesday, 04-28-2015 & Wednesday, 04-29-2015

See this 04-16-2015 message from John Salatti:

Just want to post this info about the upcoming McKinley Tech fundraiser:  

"The Pride of Bloomingdale Restaurant Tour"
 This fun event will assist the Parent-Teacher-Student Association in raising funds to support student activities at McKinley Technology High School like sports teams, field trips, etc.  To make raising money a fun, community effort, the PTSA has put together "The Pride of Bloomingdale Restaurant Tour" set for the end of April.  The Tour that will benefit our community and will help the primary high school available to children in our area and one of the finest schools in DC.  This is an all voluntary effort, so every penny will go to the PTA.

Additionally, it is a chance to try new restaurants, a bakery and get to know a great DC and thriving neighborhood!  Generous owners are giving a variety of deals when you present your ticket on April 28th and 29th.

The PTA is dedicated to making McKinley High School a good neighbor and the premier High School in DC!!

***All ticket holders are eligible for several random prizes, including several "No Taxation Without Representation DC Flags(3'x5') and DC Breeze Frisbees(175G).

Here is the EventBrite link:
This event looks like great fun and a cool way to explore Bloomingdale's burgeoning restaurant scene while helping out our neighborhood high school.

John T. Salatti

(202) 596 then 1128
"Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale"


  1. Could the organizers please provide some information about what exactly is entailed? It sounds like participating means you get a voucher for special deals at the restaurants -- it would be great to know what those are before signing up. Thanks!

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