
Friday, May 01, 2015

42 W Street NW rowhouse condo conversion: "This is what it's like to live next to profit focused condo conversion‏"

See this message from neighbors who live next door to the under-construction three-unit pop-up and 20 ft-plus pop-back at 42 W Street NW:

This is what it's like to live next to a condo conversion where DCRA doesn't care and investors will work their staff beyond construction hours six days a week.   That's a 72 hour week for employees. First photo. 7:10pm " it's after 7:00". "Yes, we're leaving."  Next photo 7:45.  Still haven't gone and I have to use my inadequate Spanish to ask why a guy is drilling in the back and suggest I'm going to call the police. #stopthepop. That's my rain soaked door mat hanging in front because they had to remove their porch roof to enable a 20+ foot extension past our rear wall. Now we get a wet porch when it rains. It should be community first, not profit first. 


  1. Who is the owner? Get their names all over this.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Evidently 40W has been severely damaged by the work....i would join with that owner to take the owner to court.

  4. it's unbelievable that DCRA approved all there seems to be some deck ON TOP of the extra-large roof mansard.... and it goes way back into the yard. So does that mean the whole back yard will be paved over for cars? That means even more water runoff!
