
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

ABC7 news story on pop-ups: "D.C. residents hold rally to protest 'pop-up' houses"

Click on the link to read the entire article:

D.C. residents hold rally to protest 'pop-up' houses

District regulators are set to finalize new restrictions on the height of renovated row houses, but the protesting residents said the rules were not strict enough nor would they be implemented soon enough.
They said condo conversions disrupt D.C. neighborhoods, multiplying the number of residents in a given building, reducing street parking and driving away families.
“When you change a single-family home to a multi-level condo, you lose families,” said rally organizer Rachael Franklin.
For neighbors of these pop-ups, it is also about quality of life.
Short term, they must deal with construction noise and – they claim – code violations.
Long term, they complain the taller buildings block sunlight to their backyards, their gardens, even their solar panels.
Ultimately, most opponents of pop-ups complain that they're just ugly.

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