
Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Bloomingdale Tool Sharing Co-op

See this 05-05-2015 message:

Bloomingdale Neighbors - 
As we go into spring many more of us are repairing, maintaining, and renovating our homes and gardens. Oftentimes you'll only need a tool a few times and it may be cost-prohibitive to buy something you don't use regularly, while a neighbor down the street might have that tool just sitting in his or her basement. In the spirit of fostering community, cost-sharing, and neighborhood trust, I think it's a good time to establish a Bloomingdale Tool Sharing Co-op.
The Co-op will work (generally) this way:              
  • Bloomingdale neighbors will become members of the Co-op through an application and address verification.
  • Members will list the tools they're willing to lend through an online database that will track who has what tool at any given time.
  • Members that would like to borrow a tool will get in contact with the lending member and work out terms to borrow the tool.
If you're interested in joining the Co-Op, please let me know! I'm in the starting stages now of planning and would love for volunteers to not only become members, but also to work with me to establish and grow the group. Please take the survey at the below link and let me know if you're interested in becoming an administrator or a member, and I'll reach out to you shortly!
Jay C.

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