
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Brookland resident Dan Wolkoff calls for urgent deadline Monday, Filing for Petition to Review McMillan Zoning Decision 13-14

Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 09:34:49 +0000
Subject: Brookland ressident Dan Wolkoff calls for urgent deadline Monday, Filing for Petition to Review McMillan Zoning Decision 13-14
McMillanistas everywhere,

       please heed the call,,, "to arms, to arms the British are coming!"

 please join, and forward this email to everyone, BEFORE SUNDAY MAY 17, 2015. The L'Enfant/McMillan Plan for a gracious city with parks and "great open spaces" is being snuffed out forever!
We have to file as many  "Petitions to Review" the corrupt  DC Zoning Decision- zc13-14-, that approved ,the "super-urbanization" of McMillan Park, as possible..To buy time for the judicial process to stop the development, leverage a potential settlement to fund the cause,,,and stop the IMMINENT demolition of the Olmsted Registered Historic Site for mediocre "National Harbor" construction for years to come.
Would you please consider helping SAVE MCMILLAN  PARK, in a very big way,  by submitting a "Petition for Review" of the DC Zoning Decision to DC Superior Court. The Commission approved the demolition, and division of the historic site,  McMillan Park, to  hand it over for massive destructive development. The  traffic is predicted to raise the unacceptable failed intersections, N. Capitol  and Michigan Ave, from  present day 30,000 auto trips a day to 50,000 auto trips a day, on the streets with the worst air pollution measured in The District. The 3000 asphalt parking spaces to serve the twin medical office towers will worsen the "heat island effect",,,never to add to the open airy possibility of McMillan Park again.,
The simple filing of as many Petitions to Review as possible will mean much more time to reverse this corrupt land swindle, and unacceptable environmental deterioration. This gives the people of DC a chance to find alternatives, send out the competition for international design and Save the Park.
Here is the opportunity to stand in the way of a corporate rip off of public land, humongous waste of public money,, and a government collusion, that has blocked the democratic process in arrogance and abuse of power.   We need as many people as possible by Monday, May 18th NOON.
A Petition for Review just includes the name of the parties, the zoning order being appealed, and your signature.  
Chris Otten, 202-986-2540, email at of DC4 reasonable development will take your signatures, and submit the documents to the DC Superior Court.
Hurry up Monday NOON,  is the deadline to submit,,,,we can beat this miserable offensive monstrous plan!

Settlements by well heeled developers have funded further court battles,,, this is your time to block the "Monstrosity on Michigan Avenue",,,,make  the city a healthier, better quality of life....and all the wondeerful adaptive re-use this site has potential for.
Where we need an honest government, we have a "marketplace of influence" , and the illusion of democracy,, this is the time to take a stand, McMillan is the nexus of corruption,  of the transfer of our wealth to the corporate development conglomerate,, $billions!
What is the cost, after the same government fenced out the people for a total of 75 years!!,, no major park in the center of DC, EVER, no urban agriculture that literally means food security, no clean water security (VMP will demolish the Clean Water Sand Filtration Cells underground,  to build 50 buildings, 6 "private" streets, 3000 parking spaces,, and two  office towers, we don't need, and  all the traffic and congestion, air pollution, the zoning commission said is acceptable. No chance to have our own Wolf Trap outdoor concert stage, no Glen Echo arts/education campus in town for families and youth,, no training in building trades to help under-employed and DC youth for really needed careers,,,no urban conservation corps to help seniors renovate  and keep their homes. 
Profit for Trammel Crow, for EYA, and Jair Lynch and a dozen other planning firms, architects, and construction companies,  is not the purpose of public park space, nor their illegal PR campaign to silence our voices for our cities future, take them to court, the arrogant power drunk,  City Council is making a mockery of their oversight role,,"who is minding the fox!"
The government is busy coopting  our future with fraud like The Mayors Plan for Sustainable DC by 2035,,, where every page says save McMillan Park.
 Our land needs to reduce carbon emissions, not demolished for millions of tons of carbon emitting concrete structures, 30,000 to 40,000 polluting furnaces, gas fixtures, toilets, right  on top of a disastrous infrastructure failure, and sewer and storm water run-off mitigation tunneling through our city...and Armed Force Retirement Home is developing (de-nuding) 80 aces right across the street, ignored by the zoning commission!
We have to reverse the Zoning decision,,, which never attempted to satisfy it's own serious questions  and reservations, to move VMP/DC govt.,  plan ahead,,,stop  the City Council who silently voted to approve the "land surplus", even Marion Barry voted "approval" who died two months before the vote!    
please spread the word, like Paul Revere riding and sounding the alarm,,,take our city back from corruption and corporate greed,,SAVE MCMILLAN PARK
Daniel Goldon Wolkoff 
McMillan Coalition for Sustainable Agriculture
1231 Randolph Street NE
Please help us preserve these appeal rights -- I can gaurantee the time it buys will allow us to expose the fraud and bring this whole thing to a screetching halt for the public interest!

1 comment:

  1. The Commish, I am a true believer,,"my family was here before the indigenous tribes,, They bought Manhattan from the Lenape in 1626,, for 60 Guilders and a bag of trinkets and beads. Now I support the realistic next biggest land swindle since Manhattan,,VMP, a very talented development team, including Jair Lynch who hasn't renovated the Paul Dunbar Housing for the $43 million contract from DC Housing and HUD,, I love Fontaine, it is not a slimeball PR campaign to fake grass roots support, it is not, they help me write my testimony to the City Council,,,so let's move forward, and where are all the "create mcmillan park" signs and supporters,,, come on folks cheer on the "Monstrosity on Michigan Avenue" , we need 20,000 more autos congesting our 6 private streets and spewing exhaust , where the unacceptable air quality,, can be worse..and 3000 parking spaces,
    to improve the "urban heat island effect"..let's get the City Council to give the developers a surplus property if our public 25 acres isnot enough, like the Mall,or the Lincoln memorial, or Roosevelt next....they can re-develop that too...affordable housing, homeless shelters,, medical offices for the asthmatics, and cancer patients,, the obese from lack of exercise, or any open land to enjoy and jog,, support VMP, Fontaine, the Carmen Group, David Grosso, Kenyan McDuffie,, they know what is good for DC,,,,and all the babies being born,, they can play in the street,,, on top of the Storm Water mitigation construction site,, bravo for Coalition for Smarter Growth and Cheryl Cort, she is so smart, she is an appendage of EYA,," The Commish
