
Thursday, May 14, 2015

housekeeper car break-in yesterday, Wednesday, 05-13-2015

See this 05-14-2015 message from an Eckington household:

I'm writing to let you know that my housekeeper had her car broken into yesterday during the late afternoon (in broad daylight) while she was parked out front of my house on the unit block of R Street NE.  One of her windows was smashed in, and her wallet was stolen. The thieves were quite determined--they had already used her bank card three times before she was done cleaning the house. They also took the purses belonging to the two helpers she brought with her to clean my house. 

I'm writing you so that you can post this as general info, in case other people are experiencing car break ins in the area. It is also possible that they targeted her because they could tell she was a housekeeper arriving with her crew, and might have a purse inside the car with cash payments from customers, etc. Other people employing housekeepers in the Bloomingdale/Eckington might want to tell them to make sure to bring their valuables inside the house while they are working. 

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