
Saturday, May 30, 2015

more instances of packages being stolen


Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 17:44:35 -0400
Subject: Warning: package theft on the unit block s st nw

Just letting you know that a package of mine was stolen today.  I saw it when I came home.  I made the mistake of not taking it in then.  I went out to walk the dog and it was gone when I came back.
I thought you could let the neighborhood know.

Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 21:49:32 -0400
Subject: Tired of common theft
Two small packages containing vitamins addressed to me were found in my neighbors' yard at the corner of Flagler and Adams NW.
I can only surmise that the packages were delivered to my house (front porch) and were picked up by the thieves who opened them and discovered that the contents were not appealing to them.  They threw the boxes and contents in my neighbors' yard.  One of the bottles is missing, but I'm going to look for it in the daylight tomorrow.

I'm wondering if we should pressure DC Water to install a camera since today it's packages and tomorrow it might be an attack on one of us.
This is obviously VERY disturbing.  In the fifteen years that I have owned a home on Flagler Place, I have never had any reason to be this concerned about my safety. Instead of painting murals on the doors to the construction area, DC Water should hire security and install lights and cameras.

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