
Sunday, May 17, 2015

on the 100 block of U St NW: orange cat has been visiting - not sure if she is lost... ?

See this 05-17-2015 message:
An orange cat has been visiting us over the last few days? It's name is "Roux". I'm not sure if s/he is lost, but she walked right in to the kitchen and made herself at home.

A comment by a 2nd Street NW neighbor:

Re "Roux" - his / her owners may have moved & left their cat behind. Domestic cats always know where they are welcome & will walk into their new family's home & that will be their new home

1 comment:

  1. Nope. This cat is not lost. Tries to get into my house on Thomas St all the time. Very friendly, but the cat belongs to some neighbors of mine two doors down.
