
Thursday, May 14, 2015

request to ANC 5E commissioners: "let the Zoning Commission know that it should act immediately to finalize the 14-11 zoning regulations"

See this 05-14-2015 message from Bloomingdame to the ANC 5E commissioners:

Good Morning - 

The comment period for Zoning Case 14-11 is open util June 1.

Last week, DC's new Attorney General filed a complaint against Insun and Jefferson Hofgard.  Approximately 30 homes are mentioned in the suit and at least 11 are in Bloomingdale, and 2/3 of them are in ANC5E.

Meanwhile, developers seemed to have embarked on a mission to buy up rowhouses on the larger squares of north Bloomingdale. Neighbors have complained or expressed concerns about at least three developers, in addition to the Hofgards. 

ANC5E has 4,330 R-4 lots, third highest number of R-4 lots of ANCs in the District. It is important that our ANC's voice be heard. 

Please let the Zoning Commission know that this is a matter requiring urgent action. The DC Council has sent a Sense of the Council resolution to the Zoning Commission requesting immediate action, stating:  It is the sense of the Council that the Zoning Commission should act immediately to finalize zoning regulations that address the pending issues set forth in this resolution.

Thank you for your consideration.

Betsy McDaniel

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