
Thursday, June 25, 2015

52 O Street artist Lisa Marie Thalhammer: Artists Open Studios this Weekend & Yoga Inspirations

Subject: Artists Open Studios this Weekend & Yoga Inspirations
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2015 19:35:02 +0000

Lisa Marie Becomes a Certified Yoga Instructor
Open Studios this Weekend &
Yoga in the Gallery at Olly Olly's Ephemeral Exhibition

Dear friends, what a transformative year it has been and I'm feeling excited, appreciative and pleased to share with you my newest artworks inspired by my yoga and meditation practice.  In addition to opening my artist live/work studio, recently featured on the cover of The Washington Post Magazine, to the public this weekend, my newest mural, Shiva Protecting the Farm Animals, can be seen by taking a class at Buddha B Yoga in the Chandra Room. Furthermore my newest artworks on paper, Mind Liberations: Meditating on the Ephemeral Nature of Feelings, are currently on exhibition at Olly Olly gallery and I will be teaching yoga in the gallery on July 12.  I also feel thrilled to announce the creation of my Wikipedia page which hosts a new video interview about the creation of my Boxer Girl mural.  Hope to see you this weekend at Summer Open Studios and if you are outside of the Washington D.C. area please feel free to message me.
I always enjoy hearing from you!
xo Lisa Marie Thalhammer

Pictured above:  Lisa Marie Thalhammer with her newest mural "
Shiva Protecting the Farm Animals" and instructors Valerie Grange and Hari-kirtana Das at Buddha B Yoga's Teacher Training Graduation Ceremony.
Sat June 27 + Sun June 28, 11am-6pm
52 O St NW, Washington, DC 20001

Free and open to the public
Click for more details and to join the Facebook event page. 

Open Studios is an annual event that invites the public into the creative spaces of the renowned artist studios at 52 O Street.  Visitors will have the opportunity to explore artists’ work spaces, meet a wide range of artists and arts professionals from a range of backgrounds and disciplines, and to see and purchase artists’ most recent works fresh from the site of creation.

Image above: Lisa Marie outside of her 52 O Street NW, Washington DC art studio.
Olly Olly gallery, Fairfax VA
On view through July 18th

Sunday July 12, 2-4pm

Click here to register for the yoga class.
Click here to join the facebook event. 

Join Lisa Marie Thalhammer for yoga in the gallery and to view her newest artworks Mind Liberations: Meditating on the Ephemeral Nature of Feelings. The artist led 108 min open/all level yoga practice will utilized a variety of physical asana postures and pranayama breathing techniques to prepare the body and mind for meditation. Lisa Marie will refer to her artworks to visually demonstrate how the practice of meditation acts as an exercise in detaching from the internalization of feelings. Practitioners will be guided through understanding feelings as ephemeral experiences of the physical body.

Image above: Portrait of the Lisa Marie with her installation of artworks at Olly Olly by Bud Wilkinson.
Copyright © 2015 Lisa Marie Studio, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Lisa Marie Studio
52 'O' Street NW #100
WashingtonD.C. 20001

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