
Sunday, June 28, 2015

67 V Street NW partial collapse today -- Sunday, 06-28-2015 -- see these pics

See these pics taken today by a neighbor:

See these comments:
The pictures show the collapse of the second floor of 67 V street NW and the police who came out this morning and sealed off the building as it is deemed structurally unsafe. The contractor did not follow the demolition plan and used a backhoe  (pictured) instead to pound into the building which is then causing an uncontrolled collapse rather than a controlled and safe demolition. 

Neighbors are extremely worried that this contractor will really damage the neighboring properties as the same developer/contractor that caused the party wall of 40 W to partially collapse during the construction of the monstrous POP-up @42 W street NW. 

The plans for 67 V street NW POP-up are similar to 42W and would not be allowed under the new regulations that became effective last week. DCRA issued the permit one week before the new regulations became effective despite a number of technically substantiated and noted construction and zoning code violations. A request for Review pursuant to 12-A DCMR § 112  has been submitted to DCRA.

There is also unclarity regarding the name on the permit, the permit lists Clifford A Lanham but they moved to Portland last December and are not involved in this project. 

See this tweet from another neighbor: 
Someone returned to this afternoon, removed stop work order & red danger tape & put up no trespassing signs?!
9:07 PM - 28 Jun 2015


  1. Thank goodness no one was hurt. The permit (issued questionably in name of previous owner who no longer lives in area or has any interest in property) for the pop up and pop back of this rowhouse is currently under appeal: hopefully the appeal is successful!

  2. wow, that collapse could have killed someone! glad it didn't! what a mess! DCRA to blame, as usual!

  3. Well, i would certainly have a structural engineer come in an look at both neighboring houses. Colin McKenzie is excellent: 301-646-3159 If damage is done, i would certainly sue both the developer as well as DCRA for having permitted this at the last minute. Remember that 40W was also damaged by this developer so it could be demonstrated that this developer has a history of irresponsible actions.

  4. 67 V Street NW is Anax Moraes' and A/X Carpenters' work, isn't it? Make it a point to associate these shoddy builders with the name of each address they develop so it comes up in searches and buyers can beware of the history of these places.

  5. Citizen - couldn't agree more. Anax Moraes & family (A/X Capenters) - when are you going to develop responsibly in Bloomingdale - Did you learn nothing from 42 W? Bloomingdale does not want your massive condo conversions!!!

  6. Guys please let's set up.a time that I can show you residents of Bloomingdales what kind of work A/X Carpenters does not base on lies and false information can't condemned someone for trying to work on a community change is hard and I can agreed with that just saying time to seat down and talk sense not lies .
