
Sunday, June 07, 2015

next Samsara House 2023 yoga book club starts tomorrow, Monday, 06-08-2015

From: Cullen Kowalski <>
Date: Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 10:51 AM
Subject: Next Yoga Book Club starts Monday June 8th 8:30PM at Samsara House 2023

Folks - 
Excited that the Yoga Book Club at Samsara House 2023 (36 R St NW, Bloomingdale) is taking on another book starting on Monday, June 8.  I am remiss to send this out rather late but I am happy to help you get the book via Amazon Prime should that be helpful. 
We had a fabulous, deep, revealing, truly honest and beautiful set of weeks moving through the book The Yamas and the Niyamas by Deborah Adele. There is a free yoga class before the book club on Monday evenings (to get info email  Book Club participants arrived around 8:10pm and we shared food and got to know each other before diving into the reading of the week.  There is no pressure to bring anything to share, bring what you need to eat an enjoy the free Ayurvedic organic teas and filtered water. 
Also, if you miss a week, so what?  You are welcome back at any time!
So, I hope that you join in. There is a FB page: Yoga Book Club at Samsara House 2023. I also email participants since some are not on FB. I will share the book information below and I hope that you join in this summer adventure.
Remember - we can work something out via Amazon Prime (2 day delivery!) and of course, all friends, colleagues, yogis, partners are welcome!
You need only read chapter 1 for this Monday.  We will as a group decide how we want to move through the book week by week at this initial session for this book. 
Again, please send along any questions and please let me know if you plan to join in the exploration of this book by sending email to
With Gratitude and Excitement - 
Deb Koolbeck
Yoga Book Club Facilitator
* * * * *
The NEXT Book: Bringing Yoga to Life by Donna Farhi 
About the Book (from 

From Publishers Weekly

Farhi (Yoga Mind, Body, and Spirit; The Breathing Book) explains how to begin the process of integrating the principles of yoga into daily living. This is not a book for seekers of a quick self-help fix; Farhi points out "the ancient science of Yoga does not pretend to be simple, quick, or easy." Rather, it's for readers interested in learning about the origins of yoga and using this deeper understanding to bring slow improvement to mind and body. Slow is an operative word-there's even a chapter on slowing down, which is the "precursor to yoga practice because this simple act allows us to consider our thoughts, feelings, and actions more carefully in the light of our desire to live peacefully." Other chapters address becoming one's own teacher, trusting what one does not fully comprehend, and getting through roadblocks (such as sloth and feelings of inadequacy) on the path to enlightened living. Each chapter contains anecdotes of the small ways in which yoga reaches into everyday people's everyday lives-and these stories elucidate the power of yoga in ways no theoretical teachings can.  Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Booklist

Farhi, a well-known yoga teacher who divides her time between New Zealand and the U.S., has taught for over 26 years and authored two previous books. This especially thoughtful treatise about the relationship of yoga practice to everyday life is well written and aimed at both new and longtime practitioners of yoga. Farhi combines her knowledge of classic yoga philosophy with insights from her years of practice and teaching. She was personally challenged by eating disorders and perfectionist tendencies, and learned that true yoga practice is not found in transient physical attainments, such as mastering difficult poses or sitting for longer periods of meditation, but rather in taking a more spiritual approach. To that end, she guides the reader to seek a deeper spiritual level in order to use yoga learning to live everyday life with more authenticity and compassion. Jane Tuma  Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
About the Author: Donna Farhi has practiced Yoga for twenty-eight years and has taught internationally for over two decades. One of America's most respected and loved Yoga teachers, she travels throughout the world leading retreats and training others to teach. Farhi has been an Asana columnist for both Yoga Journal and Yoga International and is the author of the contemporary classics The Breathing Book and Yoga Mind, Body & Spirit. Born in America, she now resides in New Zealand.

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