
Saturday, June 13, 2015

"R-4 pop-up and conversion restrictions are NOT in effect yet."

Got official word from DCRA this morning that the R-4 pop-up and conversion restrictions are NOT in effect yet.
10:04 AM - 13 Jun 2015 ·

Until the order is published in the DC Register (and tweets it), there is no change to the way DCRA handles conversion applications.
10:05 AM - 13 Jun 2015

And while the rules may be retroactive, if a permit is approved between now and Register publication, it will not be rescinded.
10:06 AM - 13 Jun 2015 ·
: Thanks for clarifying that Zoning Case 14-11 R-4 pop-up regulations are NOT yet in effect - until published in the DC Register
10:11 AM - 13 Jun 2015 
This explains, by the way, why we had a four-unit, R-4 conversion in yesterday's edition of permits...
10:16 AM - 13 Jun 2015 

All of this conversion/pop-up info will be on the DCRA website soon, possibly today.
10:21 AM - 13 Jun 2015 

1 comment:

  1. and when do we expect publication? are the printing presses being popped?
