
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

tonight: panel discussion on neighborhood Historic District designation

See this message from the Bloomingdale Civic Association Historic Preservation Committee:

The Bloomingdale Civic Association Historic Preservation Committee will present a panel discussion to explain what historic designation means and how a Historic District (HD) designation is acquired.  The DC Office of Planning and the DC Preservation League will provide presentations about a Historic District designation and its implications, pros and cons, and how acquired?

Other residents who have experienced Historic District designation will offer their insights. We will also discuss the impact of the R-4 zoning regulations restricting pop-ups.

What do Bloomingdale residents want for their community?  Please come out and let us hear from you.
Light refreshments will be served.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
160 U St. NW {St. George's Episcopal Church)
6:30pm until 8:30pm 

1 comment:

  1. Can't make it tonight but hope those who attend provide an update on their impressions! For my own part I like the idea in principle but would like to know the practical implications for basic home improvements as well as commercial development along our primary commercial corridors of RI Ave and North Cap.
