
Monday, July 13, 2015

2015 Age-Friendly Business Awards Call for Applications

See this message from Demetris Cheatham, Executive Director, North Capitol Main Street:

Businesses are encouraged to apply.
Residents are also encouraged to nominate businesses based upon their experiences.

2015 Age-Friendly Business Awards
Call for Applications
The Age-Friendly Business Initiative recognizes DC businesses and organizations that exemplify best practices in serving older customers.
Applications are now available online, and are quick and easy to fill out.
Applications due on August 31, 2015
(Designated businesses will be recognized in October awards event)
Why Apply?
·        Be recognized as a business that is welcoming and accessible to all.
·        Earn a certificate and decal to proudly display in your facility and on promotional materials as an Age-Friendly Business.
·        Appeal to an older consumer base to attract new customers and boost profits.
·        Earn free publicity for your business through websites, promotional events and publications for older consumers.
·        Join a growing network of other Age-Friendly businesses.
Apply today for designation as an Age-Friendly Business!

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