
Monday, July 06, 2015

Brookland resident Daniel Wolkoff: McMillan traffic impact study

Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2015 07:28:49 +0000
Subject: McMillan Traffic Impact Study
Brookland resident Daniel Wolkoff asks pertinent questions on VMP development coming to our neighborhood, construction to start 2016.
The Vision McMillan Partners Traffic Impact Study requires some examination and questions.
Who has analyzed the impact of 50,000 cars per day on N.Capitol where the present air quality is the worst measured in DC? 30,000 cars a day at present and 20,000 a day increase to serve the VMP development, on National Registered Historic McMillan Site.
Also how does  1 car every 9 seconds heading south on First St. NW, actually effect the congestion on this small street? What is the actual number of cars predicted to use First St. NW? How many cars is that in reality?
What is the impact on Emergency vehicles heading to 7 area hospitals? Why does the VMP TIS only address three hospitals and not emergency vehicle transport at all?
 How many Medical offices are planned for VMP lead developers Trammel Crow twin towers? How many appointments are predicted to come to each office per day by automobile? Are the 2350 parking spaces enough, maybe there should be 4000 parking spaces, or more?
What is the impact of the 80 acres of development planned for Armed Forces Retirement Home, in the closest adjacent section of the their site to McMillan? Is their plan for 5000 parking spaces adequate, should they pave over more, like 6000 parking spaces, or even more? 
How many mature trees are being cut down to build the AFRH development, and what is the impact on local air quality, constructing more office/commercial space than the world's largest office building, The Pentagon? Maybe they should be building much more office and commercial, maybe cut down the trees on additional acres?
Should there have been an Environmental  Impact Study, before the commitment of over $200 million DC tax dollars and the "surplus" land give-away, or is better not to know the environmental impact?
Hopefully the answers to these and many more questions will be coming very soon from Council Member McDuffie, At-Large Vincent Orange, At Large David Grosso, and Anita Bonds,  Chair Mendelson, and Mayor Bowser and her Office of Planning because McDuffie says "most people in DC do not know anything about McMillan"!
Daniel Goldon Wolkoff
McMillan Coalition for Sustainable Agriculture
1231 Randolph Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017
Tel: 202-232-8391                


  1. What a senseless rant,, why take anyone seriously when they question the VMP/Fontaine/Vince Gray(un-indicted) juggernaught. Massive over urbanization is good for cancer, asthma, stress, urban heat island. We all agree development is by definition good for our children, like 4000 parking spaces, instead of open green space. Green is bad! Concrete is Special and makes VMP $billions.
    It is really Friends of McMillan and their alien agenda that is the problem. I heard some of them are really from Mars! Kirby Vining definitley.
    So, back to absurd Traffic Impact Studies by VMP, take out the calculators kiddies, add up one car every 9 seconds on First St, and see how the gridlock works or won't work,, or just don't ask any questions and McDuffie and Bowser will guide Bloomingdale into a gracious green, healthy future. What in the world recommends this mediocre govt. to develop McMillan? 30 years of miserable discrimination against our community, massive waste and abuse of power? Hiring the Jamie Fontaine agency to suppress the community, muzzle the media, portray FOM, as aliens from Mars?

  2. So you're commenting on your own about a senseless rant
