
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Langley STEM School honey at tomorrow's Bloomingdale Farmers Market

See this Facebook page post for Langley STEM, 101 T St NE in Eckington:

Shout out to Big Bear Cafe
Joining the growing list of local restaurants to support the Bees at Langley STEM. Boundary Stone and The Pub and the People are already onboard. Please support these neighborhood eateries that are helping us.
Last week we had our very first Honey harvest from our Ann Hive. This was really not planned for this first season but Queen Ann made so many baby bees that her girls filled a honey super in just 3 weeks. We had 8 frames packed with honey that yielded 10 quarts of raw filtered gold.
Big thanks to all of the Langley volunteers that helped to make this happen. We extracted our honey at the Fairmont Hotel's commercial kitchen along with other DC Beekeepers. The Fairmont has over 200,000 bees in hives on site as part of their urban sustainability program
Our Queen Ann Raw Honey will be on sale at the Bloomingdale Farmers Market this Sunday.

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