
Thursday, July 23, 2015

LISC_DC: "20% of 675 units at McMillan will be affordable"

See this tweet from LISC_DC

20% of 675 units at the proposed McMillan redevelopment site will be affordable
10:04 AM - 23 Jul 2015 


  1. We can't afford to lose this public park space to this land deal for VMP. Our loss is their unethical $billion gain.With 80 acres of Armed Forces Retirement Home ready for massive development, 80 acres of trees denuded. The 1550 units going into the RI Ave Shopping area, Big Lots, we have o save our own public land for adaptive re-use, Glen Echo arts/education campus, 20 acres of life sustaining urban agriculture in the "underground", and a Wolf Trap DC for outdoor concerts under the stars and with sunset vistas,,Mcmillan is your park, fight the DC govt. , McDuffie, Bowser, Grosso, Mendelson, corporate welfare abuse. If McMillan VMP development is such a good idea, cede a chunk of Rock Creek Park to similar mediocre developers and build it there,, Cleveland Park would love it! Support the McMillan Four in court against the corrupt zoning decision, Smite The Pharaoh, Daniel Wolkoff,, help us beat mediocrity, and environmental destruction,,

  2. More than 30 years in this neighborhood, I feel qualified to say I hope something happens with this land before I die.
