
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

pop-up at 67 V St NW: "tearing down entire fence at 69 V St NW"

A Bloomingdale pop-up under-development tweet:

Dump truck driver (not employee) 4 at just told 69V owner they are tearing her entire fence down
7:50 AM - 15 Jul 2015 


  1. I would personally contribute to legal action against this developer and his company. He has damaged 3 of my neighbors houses and he has acted with reckless abandon. I would further suggest that the suit be extended to DCRA for permitting this project (under dubious circumstances i might add) and not revoking the permit once damage to the neighboring houses was documented and highlighted by the media.

    1. A concerted letter writing campaign to McDuffie and the other council members would be more effective this point.

    2. Ok...done.....I wrote to McDuffie..... hope others do likewise.

  2. Todd - let's use his name; Anax Moraes and A/X Carpenters (although, the company name appears to change occasionally. . .) Let's let everyone know who he is and anyone that Google searches for information on him and his company. Better yet, come on down to Bloomingdale and take notice themselves!

  3. Hmmm... If I remember correctly, the fence was placed on the property line, and was paid for jointly by the owners (at the time) of 67 and 69. Since the owner of 69 V has half ownership of the fence, I don't see how it can be torn down without her permission.
