
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

stranger entering back yards - "caught someone canvassing the alley for easy break-ins"

See this 07-21-2015 message from a Quincy Place NW resident:

Please put the word out about shady characters casing the neighborhood.  I just interrupted a complete stranger making his way up to my deck.  He claimed he was looking for my husband, something about washing the car.  It was completely untrue.  
He claims to be named "Marcus" is dark-complected AA, probably in his late 30s.  He is about 5'9" and about 170lbs.  He was wearing white Nike high-tops with red detailing, and longish camo shorts, and a white "wifebeater" style tank top.  His cell phone has an orangish case.  He claimed to live down the street a few houses, but I've lived here for 12 years and haven't seen him before today.  
I was a little freaked out, but interrupted and questioned him anyway.  Be on the lookout, especially on Quincy Pl. NW and R St. NW.


  1. Marcus is indeed a resident of Quincy Place; he moved into his mother's house after her passing. He often offers to wash our car (we live on Quincy) and we take him up on it. He is a nice man and good neighbor.

    1. How much do you pay him? We have a several neighborhood kids and young men that offer to provide services, but I never know how much to pay... I don't want to underpay them, but I also don't want to seem like I'm overpaying to the point of charity.
