
Monday, August 03, 2015

Bloomingdale Oral History Project seeks 40 participants

Forty participants are sought for the Bloomingdale Oral History Project. We are seeking people to be interviewed on video for 45 minutes. The interview will focus on your history and experience of living in Bloomingdale. We are seeking individuals who have lived here for any amount of time - old-timers and new comers. We also want diverse demographics in respect to sex, race, class, etc. 
This is a part of the Humanities Council of DC Grant for the Bloomingdale Village Center. There is a plan to post a short, edited version of the interview on a public, interactive board in Bloomingdale. Full interviews may be posted online. Full interviews will also be donated to the District of Columbia Archives. Please e-mail us if you are interested in being interviewed or know someone who should be. 
Please e-mail Horacio Sierra at or Bertha Holliday at to be added to our list of potential participants.

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