
Friday, August 28, 2015

Energy Healing Retreat to Raise Funds for Congo Orphans at Samsara House 2023 -- Sunday, 08-30-2015

Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2015 12:01:25 -0400
Subject: Energy Healing Retreat to Raise Funds for Congo Orphans at Samsara House 2023 Sunday 8/30 9:30AM - 4:30PM

We will host the second Congo Orphan Fundraiser/Energy Healing retreat at Samsara House 2023 at 36 R Street NW.  Details, sign-ups, and contributions can be found or made here:  

Energy Healing Retreat to Raise Funds for Congo Orphans
9:30AM - 4:30PM
By Donation
Read More/Signup:

​At our first fundraiser, we raised $187, and a friend's meditation group donated $69.  Thank you to everyone who donated so generously!!! And please look below for one testimonial on the energy healing sessions! And on the link here:

We already have $50 towards the next fundraiser at Samsara House (which is helpful, because we will be renting the space).  So, we have raised $306, and still have rent to pay. 

So far, I have sent $310 to the orphans' guardian, Paul Kitete Tunda, for Caleb and Moise's school tuition, notebooks, school clothes, etc.  I have also sent ​$150 for one month's food and to cover Paul's expenses as guardian.  So, total sent this month:  $460.  

I would also like to send at least $200 towards the cost of mattresses, bedding, and mosquito nets.  Please forward this information to anyone who would also like to donate, or who would like to receive energy healing, or who would like to hear the 11 am talk on energy healing.  

If anyone would like to read the email in French from Paul Kitete Tunda to see the reality of who is helping on the other side, I will gladly forward his emails.  Recently, he mentioned that Caleb & Moise's aunt, with whom they live, has been ill.  She has had HIV for several years.  She also has children of her own.

Thank you for being part of our small efforts to transform ourselves and our world with Divine Love and Compassion!

Love and Light,


Energy Healing testimony by C.S.:

Anandi gave me a healing session that restored my faith in myself and my direction in life. Physically, I felt a calmness afterwards and sense of overall well-being. The day after I felt heat in my chest and buzzing in my head that was proof of the session's energetic work. This positive experience was only possible after going through a number of earlier healing sessions that helped me work through some heavy psychological issues, which for newbies to Reiki may leave you feeling sapped and slightly 'sick' afterwards, but is worth working through. Yay for Reiki and Anandi's blessed gifts!

Carol Richardson, M.Div., M.P.H.

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