
Monday, August 24, 2015

John Salatti: Join Me for the Launch of the book The Song, Saturday. 09-19-2015

See this message from John Salatti:
I have not had the pleasure of posting something on the listerv in awhile. So I am really pleased to announce that a brand new novel entitled The Song will have its the debut launch on September 19th in Bloomingdale.  Neighbors Johannes Tonn and Gunhild Berg will host the author ofThe SongJoe Arnold, at their home a 114 S Street.  Joe will do readings from The Song and talk about its meanings.  But Joe's artistic talents do not at end with writing novels.  He is also an expert performer of all sizes and kinds of Native American flutes. So as part of this book launch Joe will also offer the first public performance of "Bliss," the song from which The Song gets its name.  He will also play selections from his full length recordings, Transitions and Letting Go
I encourage you to come out to this event because The Song is a cool book, "Bliss" is a cool song, and Joe is a cool guy.  And because Joe has been a three-quarter time resident of Bloomingdale since the spring of 2011 and has done home renovations and landscape designs and implementations from literally one end of the neighborhood to the other.  With his quiet integrity, Joe has transformed many Bloomingdale homes and yards (including mine) and made an enormous positive contribution to the development of the neighborhood.  So please come over on the 19th and hear passages from this wonderful book, drink in some beautiful music, and meet a really great guy.  
I personally think so much of this project that I am coming back from California to be a part of the launch of The Song.  And I get the added pleasure of getting to say hello to many of you myself.  I've missed Bloomingdale.

Joe Arnold

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