
Monday, August 17, 2015

today, Monday, 08-17-2015: Bloomingdale Village project meeting

From: Bertha Holliday
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 22:21:16 -0400
The Bloomingdale Village Project will hold its next meeting on:
      MONDAY, AUG. 17
      7 PM TO 9 PM
      49 T ST., NW (BERTHA'S HOUSE)
Major updates/outcomes of our last meeting include the following:
  • Horacio reported we have about 35 persons on the oral interview list.  This list was reviewed and persons whose willingness to be interviewed needed confirmation were identified and assigned to various committee members for follow-up. At least 4 persons have been identified as interviewers.  Also, 2 videograpers have been identified, each willing to tape up to 10 interviews.
  • It was determined that we need one or two additional videographers; one of the  videograhers should serve as chief videographer and provide creative and technical direction for the oral history interviews.  We also are in need of 1 or 2 video editors. Horacio and Bertha will increase efforts to recruit these volunteers.
  • It was determined that interviews of 20 persons will commence in about 2 weeks.. Selection of these initial interviewees witill be guided by previously established diversity criteria (age, ethnicity/race, length of residency in Bloomingdale).  It was also determined that some interviews will involve 2 or 3 multigenerational family members.
  • Paul reported he attenrded a  meeting with a BCA House Tour rep and Howard  Univ.School of Architecture faculty.  The Faculty and the Dean were very excited to collaborate with BCA re archItectural history issues and its interface with social history.. A committment was made   that a faculty would conduct a seminar re Bloomingdale's architectural history as part of the Bloomingdale House Tour.  Faculty also expressed an interest in someone from BCA speaking to HU Architecture students re the Bloomingdale Village project  & its other preservation efforts  Bertha said she would be willing to do this.  Another meeting is plannned in the very near future to discuss other contributions that Howard U might make to the architectural history efforts of both the BCA House Tour Cmte. and the Bloomingdale Village Project.
  • It was agreed there was little additional discussion re landscape/streetscape/design effortfs that the Cmte could engage in without the presence of volunteer designers/architects.  Zach noted these persons would be present at the 8/17 meeting.
  • Zach will contact DC officials (e.g. Shaun McKim) re securing documentation of ownership of various pocket park parcels and medians iin the 1st & Rhode Island area and procedures by which BCA might gain 'control' (e.g. adoption) of these parcels.                        
The 08/17 meeting will focus on:
  • Budget (NOTE:In addition to $2500 from Humanities Council, has committed to provide up to $500, and I will submit a grant proposal to ANC 5E for bout $1000 in Septtember -- so we do have a bit of budgetary flexibility.)  
  • Updates of Comte efforts
  • Break-out groups (history ​​& landscape/streetscape design process and timelines)
  • Report-back of breakout groups and discussion.
You will find attached:  a)  a copy of the complete Project grant application including budget & timelines and b) grant acceptance terms.
Look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Bertha G., Holliday, PhD & Associates, LLC
Independent Consultant (Diversity Assessment, Planning, Impleentation & Evaluation)
49 T Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001

Commissioner, ANC 5E07
Washington, DC

Member At Large,Executive Committee, Division 45 (Psychology of Culture, Ethnicity & Race)
American Psychological Association

Fellow, American Psychological Association

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