
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

join us for the final Crispus Attucks Park movie night for "The Long Hot Summer" -- Friday, 09-18-2015

Hi Friends of Crispus Attucks Park and Bloomingdale Movie Buffs!
Join the Crispus Attucks Development Corporation for our 
FINAL movie night of the 2015 Season.
Where: Crispus Attucks Park
When:  Friday, September 18th
              7:00 pm--music and mingle, 8:30-ish movie starts
What:   The Classic Paul Newman/Joanne Woodward film "The Long Hot Summer" 

CADC will have a concession stand with a variety of great snacks for $1 each!
And EXCITING NEWS! The CADC Board purchased the projector and equipment we have been using this season to present our 
Bloomy Nights Movie Series, so we'll be preparing for another great series in Summer 2016.
Please consider bringing a donation ($3? $5? $10? we appreciate any donation!) to the upcoming show to contribute to the purchase of the projector and equipment so we can make this a Bloomingdale tradition! 
For more information about Crispus Attucks Park and CADC, please check out our website.
Thanks Everyone!

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