
Saturday, October 03, 2015

Bloomingdale Farmers Market open this Sunday !

Subject: Bfm is open Sunday
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2015 21:25:53 -0400

Hi Everyone,

We may be soggy but we will definitely be open Sunday and everyone will be there !

Our producers must be waterproof because they slogged through mud and rain to harvest for us.

Hurrah, Number 1 Sons is (finally ) introducing their Kombuchas, Drink Dang. It is delicious. I particularly like the ginger flavor.

We have a great cooking demo scheduled with Griffin Greenberg at 11 am. Griffin is an experienced home cook who has competed in city-wide cook-offs, built cooking appliances by hand, and put on cooking demos at markets around DC. He also has a passion for food science. And this weekend, he’ll be cooking up something delicious at the chef’s table. Stop by for a taste and get all of your food science questions answered!

We have another bit of tropicalia: Keswick's baby ginger is joined by baby turmeric--both are great cooking rhizomes, especially for Indian recipes-- and considered healing as well. You can also find baby ginger at Mountain View and maybe we will get lucky and find another paw paw patch there.

Jenna has embraced Autumn. She says: The pumpkin spice latte may have been out since August, but we at Whisked! only put pumpkin on the menu when it's actually fall. This is the first week you'll find our pumpkin and pumpkin chocolate pies at the stand - each with a silky pumpkin custard and fall spices.

And I say that a nice pork or chicken stew with slices of Fall Squash from Truck Patch -- or an eggplant casserole -- would warm us up.

And if you want us to cook for you, grab a soup and a lasagne from Cucina Al Volo.

Although Produce Plus is over, we now have a bonus program for EBT/Snap, WiC and Senior to make those programs go much further.


Robin Shuster
14&U Farmers' Market
Bloomingdale Farmers Market

Robin Shuster
14&U Farmers' Market
Bloomingdale Farmers Market

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