
Saturday, October 10, 2015

checking out a delivered package on the front stoop of a house on the 100 block of U Street NW

See this Thursday, 10-08-2015, message from a household on the 100 block of U Street NW:

Oct 8, 2015, at 7:46 PM
At 5:11pm today (10/08/2015), this gentleman and his friend came up to our front porch to check out a package put out for UPS delivery.  Luckily after picking up the box and looking around, this guy decided not to leave with it.  They would not have been happy if they had.  The box contained only one part of a piece of furniture, worthless without the rest of the unit. It was big, bulky, and very heavy.  UPS came by within 10 minutes of these guys leaving.  We shared the entire video clip with the driver who expressed frustration with package thefts in our neighborhood. (We were home and notified of the porch activity.  Unfortunately, by the time we went to the porch the gentlemen were gone.)
Can you share this on the neighborhood blog so neighbors continue to be aware of this problem, and can be especially aware if they see this gentleman near their home?  This happened on the 100 block of U St. NW, and this gentleman does not live on this block.


  1. Reminder: the Capital Food Mart (green convenience store between the Firehouse Restaurant and Pub & the People) is a UPS drop-off spot. You can drop off your packages there, or have them delivered there. They will also accept deliveries from other carriers if you let them know. There are a lot of package thefts in the neighborhood, so you might want to consider them as a package concierge.

    P.S. It would be neighborly to buy a bottle of water or a snack to repay them for this courtesy.

  2. This package thief looks like the same guy that has been stealing packages from the unit block of Seaton Pl NW. See here:
